When The World Feels Like It’s Crashing Down Around You


When the world feels like it’s crashing down around you, I hope you know that you are loved. I hope you know it in your mind, in your body, in your soul. I hope you have the courage to tell yourself that, over and over and over and over: I am loved.

When the world feels like it’s crashing down around you, I hope you have the courage to say, I am not okay. I am not okay, and I need a life raft. Please throw me one. Please. Know that it’s okay to not be okay. Know that there are people who want to help you.

When the world feels like it’s crashing down around you, I hope you know that it’s okay to cry. It’s okay to scream. It’s okay to yell, to laugh, to shake your fists at the sky. It’s okay to feel. It’s always okay to feel.

When the world feels like it’s crashing down around you, I hope you know it’s okay to have some time alone, but don’t feel like you have to walk through whatever is hurting you or breaking you or weighing you down by yourself. You do not have to go through life alone. It does not make you weak to need or to lean on another human. There is so much strength in vulnerability.

When the world feels like it’s crashing down around you, I hope you give yourself the grace you need. Life is never perfect, and in moments and seasons of chaos, please do not even try to strive for perfection. Just keep getting out of bed everyday and putting one foot in front of the other. That is where you start. That is how you stay afloat.

When the world feels like it’s crashing down around you, I hope you remind yourself that you are not alone. You’re never alone. Look to the left, and look to the right—your tribe is beside you.