The Doctors Think My Girlfriend Has Brain Damage From Our Car Crash, But I Think The Truth Is More Terrifying


I went home that night frightened for the next day. Morning came and I regretfully walked to school. By midday I had seen Lindsey a few times in the hallway looking at me with question. Finally we stopped and talked and she told me to meet her by the stairwell after lunch. So I did and sure enough back came the crazy talk. “So are you going to do it?”

“You can’t even do one little thing I ask you to do? When did you become such a pussy?” She resorted to her usual name calling.

“It’s not one little thing, you’re asking me to assault your ex-boyfriend just to prove a point that I care about you, that’s fucked up Lindsey and I’m not playing your mind games anymore.” I stood my ground.