The 60 Most HILARIOUS Things Patients Have Said While Under Anesthesia


8. My dad works with that stuff, funniest thing he’s heard is: “Hey mister doctor? My ass itches and I’m too high to scratch.”

9. Had a patient wake up violently. When he came to he said, “Sorry, I thought I was a shark.”

10. Nurse anesthetist here. When I was in school I was getting ready to get a lady off to sleep and was going through my regular spiel. I had the mask on her face and I said, “nice big breaths,” as I pushed propofol. Right before she went out she said, “Thanks, I just had them done.” I looked at my preceptor, we looked at the circulator, and we all burst out laughing. I now say, “slow deep breaths,” instead. I love telling that story, that lady made all our days.