Only Retail Workers Will Understand These 50 Stories About Serving Demon Customers


8. I work at a bowling alley and a lady put 7 names on her lane instead of the 5 she paid for. When this happens the lane will shut off and to restart it you have to pay for the excess people. We tried explaining this to her and she flipped her shit. She was accusing us of all kinds of crap and causing a huge scene. She threw a half full beer bottle over the register at my manager so we promptly told her to “GET THE FUCK OUT”. We have a cop on duty at night for reasons like this and he told them they had 5 minutes to leave or else. This lady starts saying we were kicking her out because she’s black. My manager and the cop, who are both black, just looked at each other and laughed.

9. I worked at a Buck-A-Book. I was the only employee there at the time (my manager was asleep in the back office and nothing would wake him up). I was in a cast and on crutches from having broken my ankle and so I was sitting behind the counter. I wasn’t even supposed to be back at work for another week, but my manager had whined about being alone and forced me back. It was pouring buckets of rain that day. A woman came in and bought 100 books (some hardcover) for her school. She demanded that I carry all these books out to her car for her. Our two wheeler was in the back room with my sleeping manager and banging on the door for 15 minutes failed to bring him out. I explained that I couldn’t help her with the books because of my cast. She threw a fit and demanded that since she spent $100 that I close the store and carry each and every box out to her car in the pouring rain by myself on crutches. I may have said more than just “get the fuck out”.