I’m Not Sorry For Wanting The Very Best For Myself


I’m not sorry for becoming tired of the same old routine. I’m not sorry for growing up and doing things to enrich my life. I’m not sorry for stepping back and doing what I need to do in order to become the most focused and healthiest version of myself.

When you’re young, everything is happening to you at once. Graduation, job-hunting, relationships beginning, relationships ending. It is no wonder why so many of us can barely keep our heads above water. However, I’ve realized that keeping your head above water is a choice you must make every single day.

It can be easy to stay in your self destructive patterns of the past. In fact, some may prefer to do that. Real growth, the growth you should force yourself to go through, is hard for many.

I have made a conscious decision to not only keep my head above water, but to thrive in the world I live in.

I’m not always going to be a perfect human being. None of us are. However, I can make decisions about my life that will affect me positively and set me on the right path.

I want to a life so fulfilling and enriching that I have left myself no other choice but to make healthy decisions. I have self-confidence and I have self-respect. Making healthy decisions goes hand in hand with having those traits. I will accept no less than what I deserve in jobs, in friendships, in relationships, and in my day-to-day activities.

I’m going to wake up each morning excited to go to work and to learn about new things. I’m going to wash my face and make sure I am paying attention to how my body feels when I am stressed, sad, or anxious. I will listen to my body and know when I need to take care of myself. I will let myself take care of myself, even if this means putting myself before others or saying no to things that will exacerbate my stress.

I’m going to rid myself of things that do not help or benefit me in any way and only accept things of substance and growth to enter my life. Negativity in life is bound to happen, but by giving myself the self-care I need, I will be able to deal with the things I cannot directly control.

So I’m not sorry for wanting the very best for myself. I’m not sorry for wanting to not only be physically healthy, but emotionally and mentally healthy as well. I’m not sorry for refusing to take part in things that no longer serve me or benefit me. I’m not sorry for wanting the most out of life, instead of watching it pass me by.