How To Practice Self-Care When It’s The Last Thing You Actually Want To Do


Self-care is intended to make you feel refreshed and recharged. But for many of us when we hear the term “self-care” we think less of a well-being activity and more of an advertising buzzword. It has become a multi-million dollar category for beauty and retail. All to contribute to this idea of “self-caring”.

And as self-care becomes more of a byproduct for status and appeal, it can result in loss of drive for wanting to practice it. It can feel like the last thing you want to do.

When something feels like a to-do or a chore, we are naturally turned off. Even if it’s necessary for growth, self-discovery, and nourishment, anything can become undesirable if we don’t give it the proper mindset.

But despite what you might have cultivated in your mind, self-care is not the enemy.

Instead of looking at self-care as an overrated task, you must look at it with necessity. You must start viewing self-care as a vehicle for growth. As a missing ingredient to obtain your most uplifted self. As an opportunity to love yourself more—each and every day.

Even if it is the last thing you want to do, it’s essential for your own emotional, physical, and mental well-being. For your own sake, you must strengthen your relationship with self-care.

Maybe you are holding too much pressure into caring for yourself. Maybe you feel as though it’s too chaotic to even know how or where to start.

But when you take a step back and look at the root of self-care, it doesn’t require much. There are thousands of simple ways to care for yourself.

Start a journal, add more greens to your diet, say “no” more, say “yes” more, go on walks, read a book, meditate, cook your favorite meal, or pamper your body.

Self-care is not intended to have strict parameters you must adhere to. Self-care isn’t exclusive to a certain amount of money, status, title, or anything else to take part in. Self-care does not have to be fancy or in the form of a product, or place. Self-care is not supposed to look the same or be the same for everyone.

Self-care is special. Created by and for you.

And when you focus on activities that are positive and enjoyable for you, it becomes easier to integrate into your every day. It will become less of a chore, and more of a natural routine.

But most importantly, self-care is not something you should put off. Don’t say you will start tomorrow, or next year or when it’s convenient. Start now. Start now and melt it into your every day.

Let it empower you and become something you look forward to doing. Let self-care guide you into your most heightened mental, physical, and emotional state. Let it be what grounds you, despite what the rest of the world might bring.