He’s Going To Lose Interest If You Do These 50 Things


32. Neglected to tell me she smokes.

33. Her: “Hey, I’m in town, wanna go for drinks?”

Me:”Sure, when you available?”

Her:”I’ll let you know.”

*6 days later*

Her: “I know we should’ve gone for drinks but I can’t manage my time well…”

I HATE when I reserve my time for someone that doesn’t care like this.

34. Lied about a “close friend’s” death as a way of explaining why they have been so distant and unresponsive to my texts. Having actually gone through that experience, I had a flashback to how I felt back then and so I went full support mode for her to let her know I was there for her if she needed to talk.

Turns out she just wasn’t into me, but couldn’t outright say so.