I’m Done Looking For The Answers

I’m done picking tarot cards, I’m done checking the stars, I’m done racking my brain for a list of possible outcomes and how I could achieve them.

Confessions Of A Perpetual Runner

If you’re a runner—if you dream of the places you’ll go and the things you’ll do when you get there, if your mind is always on the next idea and the next great thing—don’t stop.

I Hope Someday You’re Ready To Meet Yourself

It is really hard to win a game if you do not know the goal. You can be making every shot, but if you’re shooting on the wrong basket, you’re not going to be happy when that buzzer goes off and the game is over.

Injustice Should Break Your Heart

If you are living from your heart and soul, I know how you feel. You are heartbroken, you are furious, and you feel like a fire has been lit underneath you.