The Ballad of Juliana & Evan: 90s Ultimate Power Couple

Exciting 2011 Facts: Juliana currently describes her relationship with Dando as “Leaving Las Vegas” [NY Magazine]. They played a show together in Brooklyn last Friday at The Bell House. I attended. It was awesome.

Three New Drugs You Can Do (Without Doing Drugs)

I love drugs. I can’t help it. I love checking out and not feeling my feelings. Unfortunately I can’t really do life and drugs at the same time, so through the years I’ve found some loopholes.

I Was A Teenage Plagiarist

I was miserable because I truly thought I was meant to be something better than just your average pedestrian teenager. There was no Freaks and Geeks yet; there was nothing that made me romanticize what I was. The Breakfast Club was funny but in the real life version of it we were all just a bunch of ugly kids with oily skin under oppressive fluorescent lighting.

The Time I Told My Friend I Was A Ghost… And She Believed Me

It’s a pretty inventive lie if you ask me. I consider myself clever for coming up with it, but it didn’t spawn from a love of the supernatural—although that has always been a true love of mine—but from something else entirely. Something equally as forbidden!

When I Was in a Band

In the Long Island hardcore scene, bands fell into two categories: “joke punk band” and “super serious hardcore band.” Hint hint. The movie was so stupid that we were like “We have to start a band based on this!” That’s what kids do. They take dumb things and make them dumber. I remember we had only one song. It was called “Mr. Jonathan” (named after the main character of Black Shampoo) and the only lyrics I remember were “Oh Mr. Jonathan/you are the fucking man!”

When I Was The Editor Of A Magazine

I was the Editor In Chief for two issues before we folded, but I SWEAR it wasn’t my fault. Or was it? I don’t know, but the founder kept her promise and was not mad at me. Staff morale was low because they missed they old editor and I didn’t do coke afterhours. The recession hit and someone said “PRINT IS DEAD!” and everyone suddenly believed it.

When I Had A Zine

In my life I’ve done 3 zines. I found about zines from going to punk/hardcore shows in Long Island. Either that, or from Sassy magazine. I can’t remember which came first but in my memory I’d like it to be from going to shows so I’ll stick with that story.

Los Angeles vs. New York City

I didn’t know that if you’re not driving happy, you’re not gonna be happy at all because the majority of time is spent in your car. Of course I didn’t know that, I’m a New Yorker. I never drive, I just listen to people argue on the subway during rush hour…