50 Weird AF Ways Men Try To Assert Dominance (As Told By Men)


20. Total bro around you and your friends. But the second there’s a girl there all of a sudden they try to impress them by shitting on the gang.

21. I had a guy yell at me at a bar when he over heard me saying I was 6’2 to a friend. He claimed he was measured at the NFL combine at 6’0. we were the same height. He just kept yelling “I’m 6 foot, I’m 6 foot, bitch” at me. I’m legit 6’2 but this guy was just not having it. Like dude, why are you selling yourself 2 inches short? It was such an odd and unprompted interaction.

22. Talked about the MBA program at his Alma mater was superior to where I was getting my MBA.

For clarification, he doesn’t have and isn’t working on an MBA, but wanted to be sure I knew he was better because he went to a school with a perceived better program.