50 Weird AF Ways Men Try To Assert Dominance (As Told By Men)


46. I work in a grocery store and sometimes help unload the delivery trucks and our delivery comes in on what we call cages, like a 6 foot cage on wheels and obviously one that’s full of toilet paper will be really light and one filled with 2 litre bottles of juice are the heavy ones. The lift that lowers them from the truck has that patterned metal floor and you have to pull the heavy cages hard to get them off, now Im 5’8″ and don’t have a lot of weight on me but I can pull these cages off just fine but there’s a guy who’s like 6’2″ and is always trying to show how strong he is, so whenever Im helping and he’s there he always insists he gets the heavy cages and that I get the “little guy cages”. Everyone agrees he needs to grow up.

47. A former coworker. He would just stand in the way and refuse to move. Even if he wasn’t in the way he would purposely get in the way. I work in a narrow kitchen so you can imagine how annoying that could be.

At one particular moment I was carrying a bulky 20 lbs box and he decided to do that. I pretended to not see him and barreled into him. He fell over and got incredibly mad at me. Started talking about how I have no muscle. It was pretty funny.

It was a display of the most fragile masculinity I’ve ever seen.