50 Tall People Problems You’ll Only Understand If You’re Over 6 Foot  


5. If you’re doing the dishes for a longer period of time your back starts hurting, because most kitchens are built for medium/small heights. Also sitting in university for 90 minutes. Legs are long, need space, don’t know where to go.

6. Sun visors in cars are completely useless. Flop that down and I can’t see the road.

7. My ass hurts!

Look at how an average chair is designed: your butt and thighs rest on it and your feet just rest on the ground (ideally speaking). Now imagine if the seat were much lower. Now your feet hit the ground too soon and your knees are propped up a bit. Your thighs no longer touch the seat of the chair, and all your weight falls on your butt.

This is a problem everywhere. It becomes impossible to sit comfortable with proper posture. Long drives become torture sessions unless the front of the seat can tilt up.