50 Tall People Problems You’ll Only Understand If You’re Over 6 Foot  


30. How hard it is to take a bath, I swear tubs are designed for short people, I’m only 6’1 and it’s still hard to find a bath I can fit into without having to lift my legs out of it.

31. If you’re female and you’re taller than the average male, they treat you very differently, no matter how you look. They are always distant, cold, and distrustful, because as a woman being taller than they are you emasculate them or something. Like me standing up normally and being bigger than you, and you having to look up at someone, is an insult in and of itself. Taller men don’t usually have a problem at all, it’s only men who are shorter than you. They aren’t used to being shorter than people they already look down on.

Tall men, while they don’t treat you with that cold distant feeling right away, don’t ever consider you as a romantic partner; I’ve noticed that the taller a guy is, the shorter they want their partners to be. I can guess why, but it winds up being awkward to everyone around them and I’m not sure if they know that we all know why that is.

You wind up being pretty invisible, which is troublesome. You get caught in a trap, when you’re a chick: either you don’t get taken seriously, or you aren’t even listened to at all.