50 Men Who Gave The Absolute Worst Proposals In Human History


45. My sister’s husband proposed to her by sitting next to her, taking out the ring, sliding it over to her, and saying “here”.

She’s really big on romantic proposals. She would have loved the whole restaurant reservation, tapping the glass, proposal speech, and getting on one knee scene. So it kind of crushed her because it seemed like he didnt make an effort. Not sure what his perspective is.

46. My housemate comes from a *very* religious community. Like, they have their own shops, restaurants, their own college. They used to have their own high school but it got shut down for some reason.

Anyway, the friend’s fiancé proposed to her 20+ times over the course of several months. The church encouraged him to keep on harassing her, and the church shamed her into giving in. They told her that it was her “duty” as a woman to get married and have children, and that she was getting too old anyway (she’s 27!).

Eventually the friend broke down and agreed to marry him. All of her female friends, her sister and her mother are all trying to convince her not to go through with it, but she’s made up her mind.

I think they’re getting married in April.