50 Men And Women On The Magical Moment They Realized They Were Not Actually Straight


18. In like 5th grade some of my friends all slept over at my house. I have a pool and after my parents went to sleep we dared each other to go skinny dipping. Long story short I realized I was interested in boys in a way that I wasn’t with girls.

19. I was best friends with this girl online for the longest time. I didn’t have anyone IRL so I focused most of my attention on her and I was thinking, oh, we’re just besties right? Then at some point, I realized that if she were a dude, my behavior towards her would be obviously like a crush. But since I’m so good at lying to myself I settled on the idea that I might be bi.

Cut to like a year later in science class and I’m looking around at everyone. The girls were definitely cute, but when I looked at the guys who were considered conventionally attractive, I realized I just felt… nothing. Then that was when I went from might be bi to total lesbian.