50 Men And Women On The Magical Moment They Realized They Were Not Actually Straight


13. When I was about 12, I had tried to get excited by boobs and other such feminine things for a few months to no avail. Thinking I was just broken for a while I stopped trying.

Then my high-school aged sister started dating a football player. They were sitting on the couch and his shorts rode up a little. One glance at his thighs and I figured out what I was really about.

14. When I was like 12, I was sleeping over at a friend’s place. We shared a small futon with us and her dog. Obviously, cuddling happened. Later, I found myself making Google searches about women’s sexuality and if it was normal to like girls as much as you liked guys. Well, whatever I clicked said ~women’s sexuality is just different, everyone thinks girls are pretty because they ARE pretty!!~ Went 6 years thinking all girls thought girls were more attractive than guys.

Side note, I live with her now and we’ve both admitted to having massive crushes on each other during high school. Nothing’s happened since then (purely platonic now) but I thought that was kind of funny. Also had a lot of people in our hometown ask if we were sisters but we don’t look alike, just hung out a lot.. now I’m wondering if those were euphemisms or just stupid questions!