50 Men And Women On The Magical Moment They Realized They Were Not Actually Straight


48. I distinctly remember googling on incognito stuff like “how to tell if you are lesbian”, “am I lesbian quiz”, “what is a lesbian”, and “flannel”. The lesbian quiz told me I was only 60% gay because I didn’t own flannels or have dyed hair, which pissed me off.

49. When I was around 5 my brother brought home his first girlfriend. He was fifteen and she was sixteen.

I remember being OBSESSED with her. Her name was Tara and she had long brown hair and would compliment my drawings. She gave me a teddy bear & I still have it to this day. Looking back, I had a huuuuge crush on her.

50. Year 8 when my bully started humping me to (kid logic?) prove I was a poof.

I enjoyed that more than he wanted me to. In my defense, he was a very good looking bully.