50 Men And Women On The Magical Moment They Realized They Were Not Actually Straight


38. I’m Bi, fresh out of the closet, even tho I tried my hardest to suppress it, the moment I realized my taste in man, I was watching Captain America Winter Soldier in the cinema. The moment WS jumped from the bridge into the roof of a car and walked STRAIGHT INTO CAMERA, just made me go:

“Oh… fuck”

I realized that not only I wanted that to have that physique, to cause that same effect on women, but I also wanted to obey a man like that.

39. I was 12 years old. I was watching the movie Practical Magic for the umpteenth time. Sandra Bullock did something particularly attractive, and it clicked in my brain and suddenly I just knew.

I’d been wondering for a little while, after a (female) friend of mine did something unintentionally suggestive and I had a really strong reaction, but it was that particular viewing of Practical Magic that took me from “is it possible I’m gay?” to “Wow I am an entire lesbian.”