50 Famous ‘Literary Masterpieces’ That Actually Suck


22. The Hobbit. In fact, it’s not that I didn’t LIKE LotR, but I skipped over a lot. I don’t need 15 pages telling me nothing but how a forest looks, and I’m an avid reader.

23. The Giver; fucking hate that book and I had to read it like 3 times for school.

24. Enders game. I read it three times. Each time thinking I was just in a bad state of mind the previous time. I just can’t grasp how the military has all that technology and capability, but we’re going to gamble the hope of the human race on this kid. Not armies. Not design an A. I. To fight this war. Nah, we got a kid. It’s cool.

Oooo look. Special kid knows how to make friends. Oooo look. Special kid knows strategy. Ooo look special kid knows how to win a game. Ooo special kid is special. Unique. The one. Chosen one.