40 Things To Remember About Making The First Move (When You Are Deathly Afraid Of Rejection)


19. It’s nothing personal! People reject others because they know for, whatever reason, that it wouldn’t work out. Why would you want to pursue something that wouldn’t work out? Celebrate the fact that you were brave enough to take a chance. A “No thanks” doesn’t mean you’re stuck being alone, it’s just another step you take to find someone who makes you happy.

20. 30 min grace period to be sad and angry and such. After that, I move on, and start looking for another person. Plenty of fish in the sea, you will never catch any if you never cast your line.

21. Rejection is just a form of opinion. Everyone has an opinion. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with them, whether it’s about you or Jesus.

Beyond that, the key to rejection is knowing yourself. It doesn’t make it easier necessarily, but in my experience I always found rejection a challenge to become more comfortable with myself. Finding comfort through discomfort.