40 Things To Remember About Making The First Move (When You Are Deathly Afraid Of Rejection)


10. They’re not rejecting you personally, Mr. or Ms. Redditor, they’re rejecting the skeevy sleazeball at the bar who’s hitting on them, when they’re just out for a drink…they’re rejecting the meek poindexter from journalism class…they’re rejecting the college fratboy who spent more time partying than studying. They’ve distilled you, the wonderful, complex, multi-faceted person down to one specific perception, and rejected that.

11. In context of dating; if I ask a guy, and he says no, theres about 3.5 billion other guys in the world. Odds are, one of them is my perfect match. Even if the chance is one in a million. Theres 3,500 perfect guys for me.

Another look at it would be to realize that there is a never ending chain of organisms successfully reproducing for 4 billion years. It would be highly unlikely for that chain to end with me, so I’m probably going to find a guy.