40 Things To Remember About Making The First Move (When You Are Deathly Afraid Of Rejection)


25. They didn’t like me, no big deal. No harm done. I’m OK with myself and if people dislike me that is a part of life. I don’t enjoy it, but it happens and I’m not upset by it.

26. Rejection sucks. That’s the way it is. No way around it- it just sucks. But you can make it suck less by taking it a different way. I used to hate rejection, I’d end up making myself cringe at random moments but then I’d think; “Hm, what can I do to make this better next time I’m faced with this situation?” Having a mindset/attitude like this makes a world of a difference. Rather than thinking that I’m not good enough, I try and figure out how to avoid rejection later. It’s always best not to dwell on the bad things.