40 Super Important Things People With Autism Wish You Realized 


14. Autism is different with every single case. It is almost like a personalized pizza. Everyone with it has things that they individually struggle with. It’s not a catch-all disorder. It’s why it’s a spectrum.

Also, stop making movies/Netflix specials about those with Autism because you seem to be only capturing one “version” of it, which is easily digestible for viewer consumption. You’re not doing justice to those who actually struggle from it. We need better and differing representations about what it’s like to live with it. Make a show with numerous autistic people with it, whom have varying struggles, varying things that make them unique, things that drive them, that make them passionate, and make it truly about them and their experiences. Not the parents. Not the behavioral therapists/doctors dealing with them, but them, and them alone.

15 It’s very hurtful to be told that you aren’t ‘really’ autistic only because you don’t seem autistic anymore. I’ve been to therapy several years and it just hurts when people dismiss all the effort that went into that.