30 Beautiful (But Simple) Ways To Build Up Your Self-Confidence 


21. A lot of great suggestions here but this one helped me a lot:

Write 3 positive things you did today. Can be something very small as in “I took the stairs instead of the elevator” or “Said Hi to my neighbor”. Do this at the end of every day. It’ll be difficult to come up with 3 things but that’s ok because you’ve always been focussing on the bad. Soon enough, it’ll get easier and you’ll start focussing more on the positive things about you instead of the negative.

22. Remove toxic people from your life. You can’t build up self-confidence if you are constantly being berated by a friend or significant other.

23. Try freestyle rapping! It’s hella fun even if you’re trash because it’s all a confidence game! To say shit that rhymes and even if it doesn’t to say it confidently enough and switch to your next line. It’s hella fun you learn new words and it makes it easier to talk to people and keep a flow if that’s something you’ve had problems with.