25 Small But Life-Changing Lessons I’ve Learned In 25 Years


17) Spend more time in nature.

Take a break from the city and experience nature for awhile. Plan a day every week to go for a walk, jog, or bicycle ride in a natural setting where you can escape the fast-paced life that humanity has evolved into. I know it has helped to remind me of just how microscopic we are to nature as a whole. Get lost in nature and exercise your mind in its calm and natural setting every once in awhile.

18) Life will be an up and down ride

Some days life will be great. Some days life will suck. That’s just how life works. However, knowing that life is a cycle of ups and downs makes being down more manageable, as you understand that it is only temporary and not permanent. Take a deep breath, understand that it’ll be okay in the end, and keep on growing and developing as a person.

19) Be grateful for every day and all you have.

Sometimes I get pretty down on myself or down on life in general. However, thinking about all I have to be grateful for in life helps to put things in perspective for how great everything really is. For example, I am grateful for this very day and for having the privilege to write this very article because tomorrow may not present the same circumstances. Life is fragile and never guaranteed. So be grateful, at least for something in your life, because someone, somewhere wishes that they had the privilege of being in your shoes.