25 Small But Life-Changing Lessons I’ve Learned In 25 Years


8) Get over any sense of entitlement.

The world owes you nothing. The quicker you lose your sense of entitlement, the sooner you’ll develop into an independent person who can take care of themselves, instead of expecting someone else to take care of you all the time.

9) Work hard.

Do you have dreams or goals? If so, which I’m guessing you do, they won’t come true or be achieved without working hard. Even then, nothing is guaranteed. Don’t wait for things to happen in life, make them happen.

10) Stay humble.

I have learned that boasting in my own glory has only lead to people being annoyed with me while also causing me to spiral into a state of stagnation in regards to my ability to continue to grow as a person. Being humble allows the mind to get over itself in times of self-absorption. If you can help it, don’t let compliments get to your head or criticism get to your heart. This is, to me, the essence of being humble.

11) Get a pet.

Save a life and enrich your own. I regret nothing about getting the pets that I have had so far in life. From my childhood pets to my current dog, my only wish is that they would outlive me (genetically speaking). The bond between a pet and owner is something so rewarding you won’t know until you experience it yourself. It takes a lot of responsibility, but is worthwhile in so many ways.