25 Small But Life-Changing Lessons I’ve Learned In 25 Years


4) Go with your gut, it knows a lot. 

Making life decisions can be hard sometimes and it is during these times that I have found that going with my instinct or intuition has lead me to more satisfying outcomes in the end. I assume that going with my “gut” instinct has worked out for the better for me, because of the fact that I am usually doing what feels right to me instead of what I think others want me to do.

Your instinct may not always be right, but in the end, it is worth taking the risk of doing what you want (as long as you are not harming anyone else in the process) rather than doing things based on outside influences. You know what is right for you, so do it.

5) Follow your passion, always.

Follow your passion no matter how unlikely it is. If you are passionate about something and are willing to put in the hard work to accomplish or reach a state in which you are able to “do” your passion everyday, then do it. The worst thing that can happen is you fail and have to try again, but even then, you won’t have to live with the pain of one day saying “What if I had tried to do that one thing I always wanted to do with my life?”

Life is too short, so get out there and do what you want for a living. It may take some hard work, but at least you’re working towards what you love.