18 People Answer The Question, ‘What Is The Most Unfair Advantage A Person Can Have?’


5. Sondra Webber


Studies show optimistic people are more successful, and happier, because they believe in themselves and more or less make it happen.

“80 percent of success is just showing up.” — Woody Allen.

6. Josef Benjamin

Being born in a developed country — such as myself.

This is something I think about often and disturbs me to know that a kid my age in India or South Africa will not have access to the same resources I do…

namely the essentials (food, water, shelter) that gives me the time to think about and do other things and not just survive.

It sucks to accept I was born into a bubble of the lucky 10% of the developed population while over 90% live in poverty…it’s unsettling to know every week going to the grocery store customers fuss and fight with the cashier, have bad attitudes because they don’t have their favorite “brand” of chicken.

It’s unsettling to know that the poorest homeless man in our country can atleast GET food — any time…when’s the last time you heard of someone “starving to death” in a developed country?

They’re are pantries and free shelters — every fucking where — and if you don’t eat or have no shelter in a developing country you WILL actually starve to death…no ifs, ands or butts about it.

It’s unfair I have a permanent visa in America while millions of people fight for the opportunity to live here — while most never get approved to enjoy the benefits I was BORN into.

I know what it’s like to starve…but never like that.

I know what it’s like to not have drinking water…for when I’m sweating and having a little trouble finding a free drinking fountain.

I’ve never experience homeless and it’s likely I never will…but people are dealt this hand to play with and they have to think about surviving…let alone taking advantage of opportunities to thrive.

It’s unfair I’m living a life full of privilege while billions more are fighting for a way out.

…and there’s very little I can do about it on my own.

All I can do is make as much money as possible so I can afford to do missionary work, travel and understand different cultures, provide drinking water in areas in most need, and do my part to help society…but I feel it’ll never be enough and it sucks there’s nothing I can do about it but play my hand and share my cards with those billions who are not as fortunate to be simply an American.
